Spanish Teenage Scientists Training

Spanish teenage scientists start their experiments!

Published at 03.14.2022

Author: adminenglish

During January and the first weeks of February, Spanish teenage scientists carried out the activities they designed in the Spanish Makeathons. The dietitians of the SEEDS project provided reliable, practical and clear information to help them. Topics covered included how to improve snacks, increase physical activity and reduce screen time. There was lots of discussion about the fact many snack foods were not healthy, such as fruit juices. Teenagers also shared their worries about the time they spend in front of screens, especially mobile phones.

The teenagers asked the dietitians to give a similar talk to their parents. They wanted to share this information about healthy lifestyles and their influence on preventing the development of future diseases with their parents. This would help them with the small changes to be made at home. Parents were able to meet the SEEDS team virtually and learn about the project. They took the opportunity to ask questions about the project, different myths about food and healthy eating.


Training for the Spanish Teenage Scientists in a big classroom A Spanish Teenage Scientist Taking Notes